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Barley Rice

Barley rice - Inexpensible, easy to cook and nutrients rich diet which has numerous health benefits and a most included food in weight loss diet.

Black Kavuni Rice

Futuro Organic Black Kavuni Rice | Karuppu Kavuni Arisi (Black Rice): traditional rice Rice is an essential part of the

Karuppu Kavuni Arisi | Black Dark Kavuni Rice

Black rice has a deep black color. The grain has a similar amount of fiber to brown rice and, like brown rice, has a mild, nutty taste.

Karuthakkar Rice

Karuthakkar rice - one of the traditional rice variety of Tamilnadu which is ideal for south Indian meals and briyani and is mainly consumed for lunch.

Ponni Handpound Boiled Rice

This grain of rice with its silky sheen, fragrant aroma, long and slender size, and the delicate flavor had delighted rich and poor equally, in all conditions. All households in India widely use this rice in the preparation of idly/dosa batter.